
A growing number of accounting students are able to obtain professional experience during their undergraduate degrees. This has resulted in more students considering employment versus enrolling in a Master’s in Accounting. As a result, the MSA program at Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business wanted to better understand how students are making this choice so they could implement tactics to increase enrollment in their program.


Using our integrated survey platform, The University of Notre Dame easily gathered real-time insights about what’s most important to students when considering whether to pursue a job or advanced MSA education. Intuitive data visualization quickly lead to decisions aligned with the drivers of student choice.

Key Insights to Drive Actions

After capturing student insights about how they choose what to do after graduation, Notre Dame uncovered a distinct difference in the perceptions of undergraduates who have completed 150 credits for the CPA and those who have not. Those with the CPA credits were more likely to favor pursuing a job, while those without the CPA credits were more likely to consider the MSA program.

Those with CPA credits placed high importance on obtaining an interesting and prestigious opportunity, building a high quality network, increasing their career opportunities, and being prepared for their chosen field at graduation. While those without credits also thought those factors were important, they placed a high importance on the likelihood of being admitted to a top program.  Surprisingly, low cost was actually less important to prospective students than expected.


The admissions team at Notre Dame used these insights to develop a strategic plan to increase admissions by implementing more effective processes and marketing campaigns. They will place particular importance on targeting students without the CPA credits that have not yet decided to pursue a job opportunity after graduation.

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